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Umbertide - Città di Castello - Citerna - Sansepolcro 

Near Umbertide it will signal the Hermitage and the Abbey Montecorona founded in 1008 by S. Romualdo, while continuing in the direction of the Town of Castle Trestina and meet the Sanctuary and Parish Canoscio and a short detour, we reach the interesting Benedictine Abbey of Petroia Morra and an oratory with a cycle of frescoes by Signorelli. Once in the Town of Castle you can visit the Convent of the Capuchin Convent of Zoccolanti, the Madonna del Belvedere and the Hermitage of Good Resting place of worship linked to the figure of S. Francis. Continuing towards Sansepolcro and Pieve S. Stephen found the hermitage of La Verna and the Montecasale linked to the most salient facts of the life of the Saint of Umbria.