Romeggio Castle
Along the road to Preggio dominant than Umbertide, stands the castle of Romeggio building that dates back to medieval times, when these lands for passing the "Romei", pilgrims who came to visit the holy places. The first mention dates back to 1394, when Perugia, to reward the zeal and vigilance displayed by Nicoluccio of Arpone and Red Nicoluccio of Romeggio, during the struggles that tormented the city and its territory, decreed to give them a prize of three gold florins each. Since 1395 the building was a castle Romeggio fixed, paid from Perugia. time in this castle has undergone several operations and is not possible to find traces of its walls. The tower remained, during the Second World War, was the site of an observatory plane, connected with other similar facilities, was to signal the arrival of Anglo-American aircraft.