Montalto Castle
The Castle of Montalto, placed atop a green hill, with its majestic tower overlooking the valley of Niccone.
Historically it was a fortress of great tactical importance for the defense of Fratta and to curb the expansionist ambitions of the nearby Città di Castello. The first historical notice of the castle dates back to 1385, when it was fortified by Perugini. Continuing on the road SS. the Niccone, about 20 kms is Preggio, medieval village on a hill of 631 meters, in a pleasant location from which you can admire the lake Trasimeno. Of particular interest is the church of SS. Trinity in S. Francis (1223) which houses a silver reliquary that holds a "Holy Thorn", the church of Our Lady of Grace (1400) and remains of the fortress which already existed in 917.